
All the major news outlets agree – America has entered a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic. With Thanksgiving just around the corner families are trying to decide with whom they should celebrate the holiday and how to make lemonade out of their lemons. It isn’t easy to have a positive outlook with so much bad news hitting us every day, but there are peoplewho manage to do just that. They find the “silver lining and the half full glass”.  It is so very hard to do that now, but I can recall another difficult time when I was very sad and anxious, but eventually managed to find a
When our daughter was 8 or so we began a tradition of picking strawberries at Butler’s Orchard, a commercial farm that allowed city slickers like us to get our hands dirty. Since there was no limit on how many strawberries we were allowed to pick, we just kept going until the pain in our knees told us it was time to stop. It is amazing how many strawberries you can pick in a couple of hours. I remember one year we came home with 28 pounds of berries, obviously far more than we could eat. We gifted multiple jars of the jam we made that afternoon to friends
I’ve been wondering about this for a while and apparently I am not the only one because when I went online I found lots of articles. This is a summary of what I learned. What is a Trend? According to a trend simply reflects what seems to be going around at any given time. Trends have staying power because they are connected to bigger ideas, such as healthy eating (whole grains, unsaturated fats); concerns over the environment (global warming), technology (personal privacy), and economics (income inequality). Fads on the other hand are a flash in the pan, think cronuts that apparently came and went without my even
I often play music when I cook. I play jazz when I am upbeat. I sing along with the Beatles even though I can’t carry a tune, and I am calmed by the sound of a Native American flute. I often listen to it when I am down and out. Cooking is so much more than a means to a meal for me. I’ve come to realize that it is my anchor during turbulent times. I have suffered twice from major depression. During those times I stayed in bed for most of the day, only getting up for bathroom breaks. Putting the blanket over my head was one
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